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A photography blog in a fragmented style

记录摄影和一点文字的碎片式博客 + 分享自己喜好的音乐

# A Girl with Zero Plus Attitude #

Little Moments:

我:以前我们以为自然界的基本单元是原子,后来发现更小的质子和电子,而质子又由更小的粒子--夸克所组成。还没有结束,有比这更小的组成,目前被认为是宇宙最小单位。但它不是粒子状。如果能看到它的话,你觉得应该是什么样子的?                 妈:蛋黄。

Me: We used to think that the smallest unit of the universe was atom, until we found smaller ones like electron and proton, and then even smaller one like quark. But it doesn't end there, and physicists nowadays have proposed the smallest and final unit of everything, and note that it doesn't exist in the form of particle. So if you can visualize that, what do you think this smallest unit looks like?    Mom:  Egg yolk. 

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